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유익한 정보 > 중고 악기 매매 ('로투스' 관련검색결과 34개)

정민태 2025-01-22
석준수 2024-12-30
김민범 2024-12-28
안동수 2024-12-27

유익한 정보 > 위탁판매 ('로투스' 관련검색결과 1개)

□ 모 델 명 * 로투스 솔로 맥스 LOTUS SOLO MAX Bb트럼펫 □ 제 품 정 보 (출처:https://www.lotustrumpets.com/universal) Great for soloists looking to bring as much depth and body to their sound as possible, with a predisposition toward playing warm and sweet. This horn produces a full-bodied sound, complete with shiny overtones and remarkable warmth in all registers, at all dynamics. It’s ideal for soloists who prefer an oversi...
관리자 2025-01-28